Written by KEN LINDNER, the Founder of Positive Life Choice Psychology, based on his new book, “ASPIRE HIGHER: How to Find the Love, Positivity, and Purpose to Elevate Your Life and the World!”

To learn more, please go to positivelifechoicepsychology.com

One of the main reasons why it is so important to ASPIRE HIGHER when you are making your life choices, is that you want your choices to reflect your highest values and goals, and your very best and highest self. Let me explain why.

When you make life choices that are positive, wise, highly beneficial, and reflect your highest goals and self, you elevate your life, your feelings of self-esteem and self-worth, your self-image, and your confidence that you can indeed effect positive changes in your life through the choices that you make. All incredible results!

We all like doing things that make us feel good about ourselves and our abilities, make us happy, and make us feel successful because we have accomplished something good or great. All of this positive reinforcement and all of these excellent outcomes motivate us to make more and more positive life choices, because we like the results and the elating and empowering feelings of taking charge of our lives and taking positive control of those things that we can control.

At some point as you jump-start your life in the most positive direction, you not only will relish making positive life choices because you love the sweet fruits of your well-made life choices, but you will also begin to feel that you deserve those sweet fruits! And this wonderful feeling that you deserve great things in your life, will inspire and motivate you to continue to make positive life choices throughout your life. How great is that!..and all because you made the positive choice to ASPIRE HIGHER whenever you’re given the golden opportunity to make a life choice.

Additionally, if you can make life choices that not only benefit and enhance you and your life, but also benefit, lift, and support others, your feelings of high self-esteem and self-worth, along with your self-image will grow exponentially, as you are elevating your life as well as others’ lives. And who knows how many times the person you helped and supported will pay forward to others the feelings of caring, kindness, respect, and love that you bestowed on them?!

It’s your life and you have the ability and power through your life choices to make it GREAT! You can also do your best to positively impact and elevate others’ lives In every instance that you can. You can accomplish and enjoy all of these AMAZING and LOVING things because you consciously and continually make the positive choice to ASPIRE HIGHER!

Thank you for taking the time to read my essay. I’m deeply grateful, and may all of your choices be positive and loving ones.

Warmest wishes,

Ken Lindner graduated Harvard University, Magna Cum Laude, and from Cornell Law School. Ken’s college honors thesis was devoted to decision-making and he has been an ardent student of the dynamics of the positive life choice since then. Besides “ASPIRE HIGHER”, he has written 5 other books. To learn more, please go to positivelifechoicepsychology.com

“ASPIRE HIGHER” is available at barnesandnoble.com, Amazon.com, Indie Books.com, BAM.com., Target.com, and walmart.com.