14 Nov 2021

Jewish Journal

2022-02-15T18:52:50+00:00November 14, 2021|Aspire Higher Press & Media, Press & Media|

Jewish Journal "Aspire Higher Especially during the COVID coaster" The choices that you make can profoundly change your life! The state of your life, your feelings of self-worth and self-esteem, your self-image and your confidence that you can truly effect positive change in your life are direct reflections of the positive and beneficial or the negative and/or self-sabotaging choices that you have made. Think of it this way: Choices are like train tracks. Trains go where the tracks take them and the path of your life goes according to the positive or poor life choices that you make. The FANTASTIC NEWS is that starting today, no matter where you are in your life, you can jump-start it [...]

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